Have Coffee Will Write

My Calliope
Jeff Hess
My Gift diamond light and angel figured
Bell-song clear with spring scent rain.
Enter in silence on ocean waves
All salt taste and primal flux.

My Present ephemeral fixed
Flow from before through after and after.
Fingers cover the first
Touch of certain ecstasy.

My Muse questions questions but questions not
Screams nor laments reality.
Pointing and hiding behind darkness layers
Quests terrible and divine.

My Genius humbles delight and arrogance
Soft breasts and smooth belly warm.
Hurts healed by passioned whispers
Harms soothed in embraces candlelit.

My Reward can I merit?
Unfaithful liar and licentious tom.
David and Uriah and Bathsheba and the uncircumcised child.
Repentance must demand balanced restored.

My gift, my Present, my Muse, my Genius, my Reward
Who am I to you?
What have I given all
To seed my own despair?

My offering I must raise
Not to have this Gift taken.
Your heart first and last
Let us drink tu and two; to and too.


Copyright Jeffrey A. Hess, 2002